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"SYO was the BEST decision I've ever made!"
-Andrew Howard, 4 year SYO Member & Intern
"SYO has been an invaluable experience for my sons. They helped improve their confidence, refine skills, and unite them with other like minded, diligent teens. This fantastically talented group, under the direction of Shawn and Breann Royer , is fun and entertaining. It is amazing how much these young musicians grow each summer."
-Shawn & Lena Wise, 10-year SYO Parents
"The SYO family provides a unique opportunity for some of the most talented junior high and high school musicians in central Indiana. From retreats to mentoring by members of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra to performances at the Indianapolis Artsgarden and Carnegie Hall in New York, young musicians stretch their abilities while further cultivating their love of music. Our son has been blessed by his experience with the SYO of Indianapolis!"
-John Elcesser, 3-year SYO Parent
"SYO prepared me immensely for symphony orchestra at the collegiate level!"
-Hannah Scheib, 4-year SYO Member & Intern
"SYO was actually my first musical group to join outside of school, and it really taught me to come out of my shell and be willing to try new things. Every rehearsal was a chance to express my love for music and it was a place to feel comfortable doing so. SYO is incredible, they really care and they truly want to get to know you. I don't know where I'd be without it. "
-Lauren Nielson, 3-year SYO Member
"Opportunities to work with professional symphony musicians and instrumental masters in this summer program are invaluable. Involvement in SYO helped develop my son's character, confidence, and creativity."
-Fawn J. Harris, 8-year SYO Parent
"SYO is an outstanding opportunity for young people serious about music to pursue their talents and develop friendships with other like-minded young people. My daughter attended a small school with limited musical resources. The opportunities to have workshops with artists in the field have been invaluable. SYO has become a very meaningful part of the summer for my daughter."
-Mary Linda Ray, 4-year SYO Parent